Monday, January 14, 2008

New Things in a New Year

So it's the middle of January already - seriously, did somebody wind the Universal clock too tight or what? I'm doing my best to be present each day, to stop looking forward so much and focus on what is right in front of me, but that doesn't seem to be helping time slow down any.

2008 is starting off in an incredible way - particularly in my writing career. By the 11th, I had lined up a new freelance client. With any luck, I'll see plenty of future business from this contact. I'll be doing some participatory research this month for a health-related article I'm planning to write. My non-fiction critique group reviewed my third personal essay last week, and I really think I'm getting somewhere with this series. And I've got some crazy ideas rolling around in my brain about what direction to take this blog in...we'll see where that goes.

On a personal note, my birthday may not have been a blast, but I'm looking forward to my trip to Minneapolis this week. Lots of great things planned, and it's always fun to be with Tasha. Girl talk, shopping, nights out on the town - whatever we do we always have a good time.

A new year, a birthday, and interesting career opportunities. And American Idol starts this week! I've always liked January.

And speaking of new things, check out Bleeding Espresso's new site. She's very proud of it, as she should be. Stop by and say hello!


Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Hey sorry I'm late thanking you for the shout-out, but...thaznks :)

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Hah, now I see where that "z" was the first letter in the word verification, but I couldn't figure out what happened to it!

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