Saturday, November 08, 2008

A Good 5 Years

It's hard to believe My Love and I have been together for five years. In some ways it seems like so much longer than that. I can barely remember what my life was like before we started dating. On the other hand, those five years have gone by so quickly.

Either way, it's been a good five years. We had a great "celebration" over the last 24 hours. We saw a movie, ate a late dinner of take-out, slept in, ate breakfast in bed, got ready to go, went bowling, took a trip to the mall, saw another movie, ate a late lunch/early dinner and then regretfully parted ways.

This might not sound like the most exciting anniversary, but it was exactly right. We laughed, we cuddled, we held hands, we talked. There was some kissing, too. I'm pretty easy to please.

Love really is something amazing.


Unknown said...

It sounds like you a great time. Just enough together time not to be smothering. Congratulations!

Angie Ledbetter said...

Sounds like the perfect celebration!

Ami said...

Thanks ladies! It was a great weekend!

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