Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Who Made the Difference?

A short while ago, Mocha Momma posted about a teaching couple who impacted her life in ways she'll never forget, which of course got me wondering: If I had written this post, who would it be about? So I decided to do just that and write my own post about some people who've made a difference in my life. This is what I discovered.

I can't come up with one single person or couple of people that have made a difference in my life. There are too many to count and this list won't do them all justice. But these are a few of the people who have impacted me in ways I will never forget.

My parents, of course, molded me and taught me life lessons that will be with me forever.

My high school biology teacher taught me that hard work and self-confidence can get you anywhere. After I graduated, he also taught me that you should stand up for what you believe in, even if it costs you your job.

Then, my college biology professor taught me that if you don't really want something (i.e. to go to medical school), you should let it go and find something you do really want.

One of my closest friends
showed me how to treat my body well and helped me find confidence in my own beauty.

Another friend
taught me to stand up for myself, even if it was only after following her lead and giving in to her one too many times.

That same friend's mother
showed me how to love unconditionally and have faith in things bigger than myself.

My old roommate
taught me how to live with someone without killing her, how to ask better questions, and how to open up even when I don't feel like it.

My best friend
teaches me more and more about how to be a good friend every time we talk and she loves me even when I suck at it.

The list could go on and on, and if I left anyone out, know that you're in my heart and you're part of who I am. I truly believe that people come into our lives for a reason and I try to learn from everyone that I encounter. Sometimes it's harder than others, but when it happens, it's a wonderful thing.

So who's made a difference in your life?


Megan/Brassy Apple said...

thanks for stopping by my blog and playing in my apron giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I love the idea behind this post. I have an old youth group counselor whom I have not seen in years. I wrote a letter to him one time to tell him the impact he had on my life. I never mailed it because I did not know how to get in touch with him. I just found out yesterday that there is going to be a youth group reunion at that church and he will be there. I think I will print the letter and give it to him there.

Ami said...

megan - I hope I win!

jenuinjen - That sounds like a great idea. I recently sent a letter like that to a woman I once worked for...I should have listed her here, too...

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