Wednesday, October 31, 2007

And NaNo Begins

The anxiety is rising and the absolute impossibility of writing 50,000 words in a single month is staring me down. Beginning at 12AM, the fun that is NaNoWriMo begins. Of course, at midnight this writer will be sound asleep and dreaming of all the fantastic scenes she'll be writing tomorrow.

As huge and daunting as the task may seem, I am getting excited about it. I've planned to meet a fellow NaNoWriter at a Barnes & Noble near my job from 5 to 8:30PM every Monday and Wednesday this month. (Don't ask me when I'm going to eat dinner.) I figure the accountability will help me to commit to writing at least those two nights. And I'm planning to go there on my own every other night after work for at least two hours. That's the plan.

So, my dear readers, it's very likely that all you'll be hearing from me during the month of November is the occasional word count and maybe a few excerpts from the novel-to-be. Unless, of course I find myself sitting at work with a few minutes and some serious inspiration for an original post.

Here's to a month of Novel Writing Bliss!


Unknown said...

I've done NaNoWriMo twice, and it's always a fun time. Unfortunately, I won't be able to do it this year because I have a 120-page screenplay due by the end of November for a grad class, so I don't think I can do both in one month. Hopefully, I'll be able to do it again next year, depending on how far along I am with my degree.

My best piece of advice, try to shoot for 2000 words a day, especially in the first week. That gives you wiggle room when life gets in the way during the rest of the month.

nejyerf said...

good luck my friend.

i can't wait to hear how it goes.

i'm just doing the NaBloPoMo.

I've got one post down, 29 to go.

Ami said...

Cate - Thanks for the advice! So far so good!

Jen - Thanks for the well-wishes! And thanks for the fabulous gift! Now I'll have plenty of treats for my late-night writing sessions. (I'll still get a Christmas card, right?) :o)

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