Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thursday Thirteen #22

I'm trying to spend a bit more time recognizing the blessings in my life. That's the inspiration for this week's list.

Thirteen Things That I'm Grateful For

1. Sunny days and warm spring air. They're making getting out of bed in the morning so much easier.

2. The ability to pay my bills, buy food, and fill my car with gas. Not everyone is as lucky.

3. A good mortgage broker who told me the whole story about my mortgage before I got it and helped me avoid the current foreclosure situation that so many are facing right now.

4. A strong body that keeps me moving toward my fitness goals.

5. My cuddly cat, who keeps me company when I'm lonely.

6. My Love, who can surprise me with the simple gift of his time and make me love him even more.

7. My mother, who has given so much of herself, not just for her children (biological and not-so-much), but also for so many others.

8. All of my family and friends, who continue to be a web of support and encouragement every day.

9. The ability to do what I love every day and make money for it (see #2).

10. Opportunities. So many opportunities.

11. A love for learning, something that keeps me reading, debating, caring and searching.

12. Everyday blessings, like bright pink blossoms on my azalea bushes, waking up to the chirping of birds instead of the beeping of my alarm clock, and a smile from a friendly stranger.

13. My dreams and goals; they keep me moving toward my best self.

What are you grateful for this week?

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


kay said...

Thank you for that list. We do need to be so grateful, don't we?
Happy TT.

Anonymous said...

Hurray for gratitude. I think that's truly the way to go. We are give so very many things - gifts. It's hard to appreciate them all!

Happy TT

Anonymous said...

Great list..good to be counting our blessings..

Unknown said...

I love this. We should all take the time to write a list like this Happy T13!

SJ Reidhead said...

We should all stop - frequently - and do this.

The Pink Flamingo

Joy said...

Love your list and am glad to know about the 13 site. I kept a gratitude journal for a while and felt better when I did it.

siteseer said...

Appreciation is truly a gift in itself. I'm grateful for the motivation to get up an do something - anything. Some people just sit and I wonder "how can you do that?" they don't even have the motivation to move. How sad. Great TT

Ami said...

kay - We do, and unfortunately, we often get caught up in everyday life and take for granted those things that are truly blessings in our lives.

on a limb - It is hard, but I'm hoping to make this a practice that's more consistent. It's good to remind ourselves of all those gifts!

wolfie, adelle and sj - I'd love to hear what you're grateful for next week!

joy - I started a pen and paper journal again this week as a little experiment, and part of that is listing 5 things I'm grateful for everyday. It doesn't take long, and it really makes a difference in my attitude.

siteseer - Thanks for sharing! I'm also grateful for motivation, because I know there are plenty of times when I don't have it wish I did. :)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful list! It reminds me that I'm grateful for a lot of those same things.

Crystal's Elite Dance Studio said...

What a wonderful list! I'm thankful for many of those as well! I am most thankful for my family, my friends, and God's grace in my life!

patresa hartman said...

love the positivity. so easy to get caught up in the unpleasantries.

i am grateful... that we didn't have to make any yucky decisions about euthanizing our cat -- that he went in his own time.

i'm also thankful for my words.

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