Friday, June 27, 2008

The Joys of Summertime

Another week gone by without much pomp and circumstance. Am I the only one who misses the days of free-wheeling summers? You know, back in the days when the hardest things I had to do involved running through sprinklers, staying out late with my friends, sleeping in, spending the day at the beach, camping in the backyard, or sunbathing with a good book...being an adult really sucks sometimes.

Now that I'm a working girl, paying bills and acting like an adult (most of the time), summer days are just like the rest of the year. Oh! There they go! Passing as swiftly or slowly as a mid-January day does. The only difference is the heat and humidity that seems to suffocate me as I walk to my car. That and the fresh fruits and vegetables I can get from the market every weekend. The flowers that brighten each day. The smell of lilacs on the breeze in the morning. Oh, and the sunshine that keeps me from drifting off into an unbearable funk.

OK, so summers are nice no matter where I am in my life. But I do still wish I could enjoy them a bit more, maybe go to the playground and swing all day or head off on a spur-of-the-moment trip without having to save up vacation time. I guess I'll just have to enjoy the summertime moments as they come. Before I know it, they'll be drifting off into Autumn again and then it's January...I better stop and smell the roses before they turn into snowflakes.

By the way, I posted a new article on DIS about how I've developed strategies for overcoming my tendency to procrastinate: Get to It and Do It. Check it out if you're interested.


patresa hartman said...

see, now if you worked in education, you could have those free wheeling summers!

i thought of you this weekend when working at the bookstore and seeing a farmer's market cookbook. all about preparing dishes totally from local market fare.

Ami said...

poetikat - Don't think I'm not tempted to do this. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'll end up taking one of these days this summer. For now I'm being very conscious of my PTO because I took a lot of time off at the beginning of the year and am "in the hole" right now. Thanks for the suggestions!

P - I considered being a teacher for that exact reason. Unfortunately, I'm not a very good teacher. Any cookbook suggestions? I'd love to pick up a new one.

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